Friday, November 12, 2010

As my girls will tell you, I am obsessed with losing weight. Well, I don't really agree with that because if I was obsessed I would be thin and in great shape! I am always looking for easy ways to lose weight or easy types of exercise. Unfortunately, the easiest way to lose weight is to stay active and eat the right foods. That has always been a tough one for me. I am a sugar junkie and I don't enjoy exercising. When I was off work yesterday for Veteran's Day, I watched Dr Oz and the following products were featured. They all looked pretty awesome to me and I want all of them!!!

Let's start with the JUMP SNAP
This is a jump rope with only the handles - no rope. Looks pretty good to me. It keeps track of the calories burned and how many repetitions you have jumped. I used to be an excellent jump roper in elementary school, but I doubt I could jump more than 10x in a row now without messing up, so the Jump Snap would be a good thing for me. I could watch TV and jump my heart out.
And Now - The Meal Measure
It is easy to use and measures your food right on your plate. Meal Measure fits most dinner plates. The cavities of the Meal Measure are labeled vegetable or fruit, starch, and protein. Each Meal measure cavity is one cup at the top with a one-half cup line inside. The protein portion is equal to the size of a deck of cards. It's all about portion control or at least that's what I keep hearing!

Next up: The Gruve
This handy dandy gadget keeps track of all your daily movements/calories burned and comparing those numbers to a predetermined goal, the user should be able to keep their metabolism running like a well-oiled machine. The fact that it vibrates and lights up red when you are being lazy also adds a bit of incentive. This would be great for me throughout the day. It would make me get up and walk around more at work, take the stairs, park farther way and keep me moving while I am watching TV!

Last but not least: Quantum Scale
If you dread stepping on your current bathroom scale only to see that three-digit number staring up at you, you’ll love the Quantum Scale. That’s right, now there’s a scale that you’ll love to step on! The first time you use the scale, it registers (but does not display) your weight, storing it in the scale’s memory. So everytime you step on it you only see how much you have lost or gained. I think this is the scale for me! I really do not enjoy seeing how much I weigh and the number is not what matters anyway!

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