Saturday, February 27, 2010

Life's Little Annoyances....

I realize that the things I am going to list below are just little things in life that don't really matter, but they are irritating to me. Maybe if I list them, it is a way of venting and I won't be so annoyed the next time they happen. (Probably not, but it's worth a try)

  • Standing at the check out with coupons in hand, telling the check 3 times that i have coupons and then having him forget to ring them up. Are checkers deaf or are they just annoyed with people who use coupons?
  • Water standing ankle deep in my shower and not being able to get the plug out because it is some sort of weird plug that doesn't come out!
  • Recording shows on my DVR that for some reason don't record.
  • People who ignore my text messages. I am not an avid texter so when I do text someone I am doing it for a reason, and not trying to just annoy the recepient!
  • My brand new scale that gives me a different reading everytime I stand on it!
  • Everything I am interested in on the Olympics comes on after 11:00 pm. I have hardly seen any of the Olympics this year because of it.
  • People who have their phones turned on at church - put it on silent or vibrate people!
  • Drivers who tailgate.
  • People in the carpool lane who have NO passenger!
  • E-mails that ask you to forward to 20 people or you will have 25 years of bad luck!
  • Slow computers that take forever to download.
  • Not being able to see my grandsons often. So many times, I wish I could go pick them up and take them to the park or for ice cream.
  • Forgetting where I put my glasses or keys!

That about wraps it up. Those are just a few of the things I could think of....

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Several years ago a very special friend and co-worker gave me this Bluebird of Happiness for Christmas. This little bird has been a real treasure to me and one that I will always cherish. He has been with me through good times and bad, happy and sad, ups and downs, joys and sorrows. I guess you could say the little birdie has been a symbol to me of hope for good things to come.

Here is a little history behind my little friend:

The mythology of the bluebird of happiness has deep roots that go back thousands of years. Indigenous cultures across the globe hold similar myths and beliefs about the bluebird. It is a widely accepted symbol of cheerfulness, happiness, prosperity, hearth and home, good health, new births, the renewal of springtime, etc. Virtually any positive sentiments may be attached to the bluebird.

I gave one to each of my daughters this years for Christmas and I hope they found a special place for the little guy and he can be a symbol of happiness and hope of good things to come for them as well.

Saturday, February 6, 2010


The rain just does not want to stop & it is really putting a "damper" on my plans for Saturday. Well, I don't really have any big plans but I want to go to Target and I don't feel like going out in the rain. Such a dilema, I know!!

I am still on my diet. Just one more week and I am on maintenace which will be wonderful. I can't wait for a Diet Pepsi! I have lost 13 pounds and my clothes are fitting me again. I am even wearing a pair of jeans that I have not worn in 8 months. I couldn't get them past my thighs and now they fit!

Super Bowl Sunday is tomorrow. Not a big deal to me. I probably won't even watch it. I don't understand what all the hype is. I guess it's just a good excuse to get together and eat lots of yummy food & maybe watch the game if you are a football fan.

The Bachelor is starting to annoy me and so is the Biggest Loser. Why is it that the people I want to go are always still there week after week?

I have been going to my Moms every week and it is so hard. She can't remember anything and repeats the same thing over and over again. She also can't hear so you sit there repeating yourself and having her ask you the same question over and over again. Please don't let me live that long. My poor kids, I don't want them to have to go through that.

Those pathetic Kings. It is agony watching them lose every game. I guess I should be used to it, but they looked so promising at the beginning of the season. There is some hope and I know they will get better and I have to say they do make the game exciting.

I am really missing my grandsons. I need to go see them soon. I just need to pick a few days and do it. They always give me the boost I need to perk me up and make me realize that life really is good. I love you Jack, Lincoln and Coleman & I wish I could play with you and read to you and hug you right now!

I had some drama at work this week. My supervisor told me she was going to take my favorite fair away from me and give it to a new person. I freaked out and had a meltdown (not that I let anyone see). But it all turned out good. One of my co-workers came to my defense at a meeting yesterday with a very simple solution. "Don't mess with the high maintenace fairs". So I get to keep my favorite fair and all is well.

My new favorite treat (and the only treat I can have on this diet) is a baked apple. I just slice a green apple into small chunks, sprinkle artificial sweetner and cinnamon on top. Pop it in the microwave for 2 minutes and viola I have a yummy dessert. Tastes just like apple pie without the crust. (Too bad the crust is my favorite part of a pie)

I am going to make these treats for my friends and co-workers for Valentine's Day. Sure wish my kids lived close by so I could make them some treats too