Saturday, December 19, 2009

Jordan turns 25!

I cannot believe that is was 25 years ago that I was frantically running around trying to get everything done for Christmas when I went into labor and still kept baking and wrapping until I just could not handle the pain anymore. By the time we got to the hospital I was dialated to 9 and was ready to push. Jordan was born in the labor room because they didn't have time to prep me for the delivery room. It was quite an adventure! We were very surprised and excited to have a baby boy (in those days we were not able to determine whether it was a boy or girl - we just assumed we were having another girl) He was a big (8 lbs 13 oz) healthy boy and we were all thrilled to welcome him into our family!!

As you can tell from all these pictures Jordan is into sports (like you didn't already know that!) The only toy he ever really wanted to play with from the time he was very small was a ball - any kind of ball. The first thing the doctor said when he was born to his Dad was "Now you have someone to watch football with" And a sports enthusiast was born! It was so much fun going to all of Jordan's many sporting events over the years. We always knew what we would be doing every Saturday. I have been to hundreds of games and practices and never got tired of them.

A day on the course....

First soccer team

Another Day on Another Course...

A Blue Jay!

Skinny Skinny Jordi! Folsom High School JV Basketball

Happy Birthday to my very special son who has brought me so much love and happiness over the years. He is a wonderful example to me and I am so excited to be able to spend his birthday with him this year!!

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