Sunday, September 20, 2009

Out of the Mouth of SUNBEAMS

Kids say the cutest things sometimes and my Sunbeam class comes up with some doozies! Here are a few that I can remember over the last couple of weeks.....

Jessica - I missed you. (she says this every week)

Jared - I am taking home your necklace.

Santina - Where's your husband?

Camryn - Can I rip this off? (referring to a piece of skin on my fingernail)

Jadyn - Why is your hair like this?

Crew - You don't have any friends. You're too old.

Jonathan - Can I have your shoes?

Taylor - You don't have strong muscles. You are a girl.

1 comment:

  1. cute blog amy. hope you don't mind i'm a stalker. this is megan's friend michelle.
