Wednesday, October 20, 2010

November Election

Stop it! ENOUGH!! I have had it....I say no more politics, no more nasty commercials. Stop calling me. Stop writing me.... I am finished, I no longer care....and by the way your stuff is so bad that every time I watch one of your commercials I want to scream.

I am tired of every commercial, from every politician. I want Sarah Palin to stop talking, I want Nancy Pelosi to stop talking. I am tired of all of it. I don't care about witches, or college pranks or who hired an illegal or what they had for dinner.

Persuade me to vote for you. Treat me like I have a brain. Respect me! Stop the mudslinging and start talking about the issues that will change things and make things better for everyone.

You want me to vote for you? Tell me how you will create some jobs, real jobs. America is an amazing place. We are the first ones to help in a crisis, we are innovative, smart and self reliant. We can get back to those days of inventing things, starting businesses, manufacturing things and depending on ourselves. Give me some hope. Remind me how great we are... Remind me of building cars, computers and walking on the moon.

I am an American...I love saying that, I love living here, I love our freedom, I love being able to attend the church I want to, read what I want to and say what I want to.

Politicians just fight, argue, call each other names...And all of the ugly ads? How do I know if they are true? If you are low enough to say those things, aren't you low enough to just make it up?

So do you get it? I don't care any more, no one does... So stop it. You are wasting money, time, resources and talent.

I can't wait for November 3rd to get here so my phone will stop ringing off the hook and interrupting all my important TV shows and I want my old mailbox back - the one that is filled with bills and catologues. There really is life after the election and I can't wait to start living it!

1 comment:

  1. You tell 'em Amy! I totally agree though. I hate that things have turned from picking the best candidate based on their qualifications/plans to picking the "best of the worst" as they all fight and pinpoint every little wrong thing the person has done in their life.
