Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday stuff....

Today is Friday and I decided I needed to take the day off because I feel like the lady in that picture!

Things have been so crazy at work. I have been working non-stop without lunch breaks stressing about deadlines, pulling my hair out trying to get everything done. It has been a crazy busy month and I am so done. Once September gets here things will be better but in the meantime I hope I can hang in there. I am grateful to have a job but the stress is killing me.

I have been walking almost everyday and it has helped with my stress level. The weather has really cooperated so that has made it easier to walk in the evenings.

I love this weather we have been having - low to mid 80's heaven and almost unheard of for August. Of course, it is supposed to get into the 90's this weekend and early next week 100 so it has been wonderful while it lasted.

Shauna will be coming home for a visit on Sunday. I have some things lined up for her. She doesn't know it yet, but I need her expertise in all things technological (is that a word). My camera - my computer - my DVR. And of course I need someone to laugh with during Bachelor Pad, Teen Mom, Keeping up with the Kardashians, Flipping Out, Housewives of DC, and any other reality TV show she introduces me to! Hurry home Shauna, I need you!

I saw the movie Flipped last week and loved it! It really took me back to the 60's and I loved loved loved the music. It was well worth the money and I would highly recommend it. It was a feel good, nostalgic, wholesome, funny movie.

I want to take a trip to Utah. I would like to hang up with Jordan & Kristine and go visit my friends Carol and Patty. I hope I can do that in October before the weather starts turning ugly. We'll see.

I am going to Vegas in September to watch Jack and Lincoln in the Primary Program. That is always something to look forward to. I miss my little guys and I am sure Coleman is talking up a storm and growing like a weed. Jack starts 1st grade soon & Lincoln pre-school and the years are just racing by. It is a little scary to me.

Erin had her wisdom teeth pulled yesterday. I wish I was there to be her nurse/Mom. She is a trooper as always and went to work last night. Typical Erin style - nothing stops her.

Well, that about wraps up my Friday thoughts. I am off to the grocery store and to get my daily Diet Pepsi. Life is good because I have 3 days off

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