The front desk was closed so I had to ring for help and out shuffled Uday Shah, toussled hair, bare feet & all. We unloaded the van in 36 degree weather and called it a night - and a short one it was! Coleman had a hard time getting to sleep so it was a rough few hours. We drug outselves out of bed at 5:30, showered and washed our hair only to discover Megan had forgot the hair dryer! We made the best of it and after packing up the van once again, locking outselves out of the with Coleman asleep inside, we were off to Provo. By this time it was raining pretty hard so our hairstyles really didn't matter at this point. We met up with Jordan and took our seats waiting for the graduation. It was a nice ceremony and of course the best part was hearing Kristine Gildea Lewis announced and watching her walk across the stage to get her diploma. We were so proud! Megan and I took turns chasing Coleman up and down the stairs. We just love our little Coleman!
Next stop was lunch/breakfast at Kneaders with the Gildea clan. Since we were so exhausted we pretty much relaxed in the afternoon, took a short trip to the mall and had dinner at Cafe Rio. Saturday was a beautiful day so we went to the mall again, had lunch, went to the Distribution Center and then packed up the van and headed out. It sure was nice to see the skyline of Las Vegas and we actually made it home before Megan wet her pants!! I left Vegas on Sunday morning with the Gildea's and arrived home at 9:30. My bed never felt so GOOD...
It was a tiring trip but we would do it all again, and we will - this time next year when Jordan graduates!!