Saturday, August 22, 2009

JULIE & JULIA - My New Favorite Movie!!

If you haven't already seen this movie, you need to run right out and do it! It was so fun and entertaining. Anyone who knows me well, knows that I cannot sit through many movies because of my jumpy legs. I was not bored one minute and the 2+ hour movie went by so fast! I loved it.... Meryl Streep was wonderful capturing the character of Julia Child and Amy Adams is just so cute how can you not love her. It is just a light-hearted, feel good kind of movie and leaves you hungry and entertained! I am inspired now to try Bouef Bourguignon a La Julia Child and also the fudge cake - YUM!!!


  1. I've been wanting to see this movie and now that I read your review I'm even more determined. Do you think my husband would like it, or should I go with a girlfriend? We saw My Sister's Keeper last night and we BOTH loved it.

  2. Jill - I think your husband would like it. I went with girlfriends, but there were men there. I know older men would appreciate it - not so much younger ones. It just depends on your husband I guess. And thanks for commenting! Let me know how you like the movie!
