Monday, May 28, 2012

The little things....

It's the little things that really make me happy!

Phone Calls
Text messages
Meeting a friend for a hotdog at Costco
Lime in my Diet Pepsi
Clean Sheets
Ice Cream Cone
A Clean Car
An Unexpected Visitor
Talking to my Grandsons
Fresh Flowers
A York Peppermint Patty

Friday, May 25, 2012

It's Great to be 8!!!

Today my oldest grandson turns 8! I can't believe it. It seems like he was just born and now he is 8 years old and getting baptized!! He is getting so big and so handsome. He is an excellent student and he learned to ride a bike in one day. Jack has always been a joy to be around and I can't wait to see him in two weeks and be there for his baptism day. I am so proud of him!

A few fun facts about Jack:
loves playing video games
loves the color green
loves having his own room
loves Disneyland
loves Legos
loves to talk
loves school
loves to draw
loves to read
loves to sing

I love you Jack!!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

My latest obsession

I am completly fascinated and totally hooked on indexing the 1940 census.  It is so amazing to me to be able to look into the lives of people 72 years ago and what their lives must have been like.  Many of the occupations are now obsolete and have been replaced with modern technology.  The families were very large with extended family and lodgers living  in the homes.  Many of the families lived in rural areas and were farmers, others lived in big cities and were factory workers.  It was amazing to see some of the occupations and salaries back then!  Each time I index a new batch it seems to have some uniqueness from the last batch.  Each state is very different and I just can't get enough of this!!  So far I have indexed in over 20 states and have completed over 2500 names!

Here is a sampling of  a few:

Army barracks in San Francisco
Farmers in the San Joaquin Valley
Factory workers in the Bronx
Coal Miners in Kentucky
Women's Prison in Rhode Island
Italian Americans in Sacramento
French in Louisiana
Servants in Washington DC
French Canadians in Massachusetts
Sugar Plantation Workers in Hawaii
Orphanage in New York

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!!

I am the luckiest Mom and Grammy in the world!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

6 Years Old!!

Today my adorable, funny, crazy little grandson Lincoln Mark is 6 years old. He is.... the funniest sweetest little boy you have ever seen. He is a little cuddle bug who loves to snuggle. He is smart, happy, lovable and so much fun to be around.

He loves:
The color blue
Video Games
Reading books
His Mom's yummy cookies
To draw
His scooter
His beanie babies
Babies (especially his cousin Owen)
His brothers (most of the time)

I love this little guy so much and hope he is having the time of his life at Disneyland and Medevial Times on his birthday!