Saturday, June 29, 2013

June 2013

Lots going on this month.  I had the boys for a week while Megan and Justin went on a cruise.  We had lots of fun swimming, going to the park, eating pizza, doing a puzzle, crafts, and more swimming.  It was pretty warm all week so the pool was the only way to keep cool but the boys didn't seem to mind!


National Donut Day!                                            Waiting for Mom and Dad at the Airport

Movie Night!                                                         Fun Night out with Pam to see Le Miz

               Owen in front of the San Diego Temple                                        Owen is 2!  Here he is with the loot I sent him.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend

This was taken at 1am right after we arrived home from the airport.  Owen was
wanting to party!

We had a great breakfast on Sutter Street at the Sutter Street Grill

All the cousins looking for bugs!

We had a great day at Sun Splash in Roseville playing minature golf

More Sun Splash with the the boys!

The weekend ended way to soon and we were soon back at the airport sending
Jordan, Kristine and Owen back to Utah.  I miss them so much!!