Sunday, March 28, 2010

Las Vegas Trip

Last week I flew to Vegas to spend some time with the Patrick family. It is always fun to be with the grandsons. They make me laugh and they always make me feel special. They are so smart and cute and funny and so full of energy - I love those little guys and it is always the highlight of my life when I am able to spend time with them. We didn't do anything exciting or different, but I always enjoy the break in my routine. It gives me a new focus and helps me to realize how truly blessed I am to have them in my life. It is always hard to leave, but I know I will see them again in about a month.
I will be counting the days!!!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Today is your Birthday Shout Horray

Here are a few things about my baby girl, Shauna....

She is very stylish

She has a sweet tooth

She loves to cook
She's a great artist

She loves to sleep

Her Mom loves her very very much and hopes all her Birthday wishes come true!! Happy Birthday!!!!

AND... Happy Birthday Justin. I'm sorry you and Shauna have the same birthday, but I am sure you don't mind that I am not doing a blog post about you. I hope you have a GREAT Birthday!!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

I Have a Family Tree....

'Geneology I am doing it, my geneology & the reason why I am doing it is very clear to me.....'

Today during the Sunday School hour at church I worked on my geneology. I am researching my Dad's family and I found some very good stuff. I found out that my Dad's parents and grandparents and many other family members immigrated from Sweden to the United States in 1900. They arrived in New York and relocated to the midwest, Nebraska and Iowa. I found out that my Great Great Grandfather's name was Olaf and my Great Great Grandmother was Anna. I also found out that my Dad had two older sisters that he never mentioned. One died at the age of 1 month and the other at 20. I always thought he had six siblings, but now I know he was one of nine children! It is so amazing to look at the census reports and see ages, occupations, and addresses of my ancestors! I always thought geneology was for old people, but I think I have caught the bug! Oh wait.... I guess I am old and that is why I am so into it now. Oh well, it's still exciting.

Jordan completed my Dad's temple work this month and now I am going to be able to provide him with many more names soon. I am so excited to continue my search into the Hedlind family.